If you want to reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer should change dietary habits concentrate on high-fiber. This is a significant health benefits from the research published in the online prostate cancer.
The study claimed that the diet caused America and Europe, more than 1,900 people found that eating a low-fiber diet may increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, this is not the first study 1, which examined the relationship between fiber in the diet and cancer occur. In 2007, there are many studies on men and women, as well as 500 thousand. The 2011 similar study was also conducted with participants was more than 2 thousand. The results of the study, these 2 are all shown that cancer can be reduced by eating a diet rich in fiber.
A multitude of fiber in the fruit butter, rice bran, legumes, beans, oats, rice, soy normal (cooking) apples (with skin), green vegetables broth olive oil, orange ripe papaya seeds, pumpkin seeds, sweet carrot Trav (crude), cucumbers, onions (raw) trabveng (cooked) pineapple ....